Stone And Marble Installation: All You Need to Know


Marbles and stones are renowned for being among the most sophisticated and exquisite fixtures that may enhance a room. They have gained prestige over time as a regal and superior material to use in any type of building, whether it be residential or commercial. Modern stone and marble installations, however, call for extra care to guarantee that they are securely fastened to the surface without causing any problems.


Every stone and marble have a different texture, shape, size, and color that makes them distinctive. To ensure correct installation, it’s crucial to utilize tile adhesive designed specifically for marble and stones. To prevent discoloration and detachment, the adhesive and stone should be compatible. For cementing stone and marble, Renovation UAE offers a specialized line of adhesives that are among the best available.


Because they tend to be heavier, stones have a sophisticated, polished appearance, but using them in a project might be challenging. The regal appearance that marble and stones provide is why many architects and developers enjoy working with them. When you are preparing to put the stones in the location that you had in mind, it is important what approach is taken. In order not to affect the structural integrity of the structure, it is necessary to offer adequate backup and additional support.


Moisture and water cannot be retained in marbles and stones due to their high porosity and hence they are high porosity materials. For this reason, It is very important to use the correct sealer and adhesive so that these problems related to the installation of stone and marble can be dealt with easily. The best tile adhesive for marble and stone is largely sought after by the architects and builders who contact Renovation UAE. Their specialists suggest them what can be the best for their use.

The stone and marble installations may prove to be a wise investment if you take certain precautions. It is an excellent addition to any endeavor that produces benefits that last. To guarantee the durability and attractiveness of the material, use the appropriate products, during their installation.


Skilled handyman from Renovation UAE does marble installation in Dubai. We are professionals in installing marble on floors and walls in Dubai. The greatest marble installation in Dubai is offered by us. In order to create a stunning interior wall, marble installation Dubai is not only used for floors but also for walls. This type of wall art is highly popular these days. Marble Installation Dubai is available in a variety of sizes and shapes, and it is installed in accordance with the customer’s preferences.



Step 1: Take two measurements: Our handymen take the area’s dimensions and measure it in square feet before installing marble for the customer. To ensure that the marbles are put correctly, the measurements are taken carefully and precisely.

Step 2: Clean surface: Before applying marble to the walls and floors, the area had to be thoroughly cleaned and dried. To ensure that it doesn’t interfere with the installation of the marble, the tenacious dirt is removed using the wet surface cleaner.

Step 3: Prepare the surface: The area’s surface needs to be thoroughly cleaned, clear, and clean. Before the marbles are installed, the area needs to be clear of all furniture, dirt, pets, and kids.

Setting Up:

Step a: Locating and measuring the center: After taking another measurement, the surface of the marbles that need to be installed is sketched with an outline. This facilitates the marbles’ precise installation. Chalk can be used to create the outline such that it also covers the surface. Since the installation began at the center point, our handymen are now able to locate the area’s center.

Step b: Place tiles and preview: At this point, the tile pieces are arranged and controlled in accordance with them. This aids in preventing installation errors. Every component has been placed and tested.

Step c: Measure and cut once more: The marbles are now measured and sliced in accordance with the arrangement and dimensions. The marbles are perfectly cut, and their edges are fashioned in accordance with that.

Step 4: Installation of the Marble: At this stage, all the marble pieces are properly placed within a layer of cement which has been applied underneath them. In addition, the joints are well placed in order to maintain the attractiveness of the marble.

Step 5: Prepare the grout: The next step requires the installer to wait until the cement dries out just a little. A grout is introduced in the recesses made by the cement that is there in order to fortify and enhance the appearance of the surface.

Step 6: Leave it for curing: At this juncture, one has to allow the joining material composed of sand/ cement and water aka grout hardens for close to 24 hours. At this stage, it is very important to trust the grout in order to dry properly and the marbles pieces arranged in their respective places.

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